In Person & Virtual
PreK 4 Year Olds
Early Reading Phonics, Shared Reading, Letters/ Sounds, Rhyme Time, Build Words
Language Enrichment, Phonics, Letters/Sounds, Wordplay, Guided Reading
1st or 2nd Grade
Multisensory Language I or II: Phonics, Spelling & Guided Reading (beneficial if dyslexic tendencies)
3rd-4th Grade
Reading Intervention Phonics, Spelling, Fluency & Vocab (beneficial if dyslexic tendencies)
4th – 6th Grade
Spelling Intervention & Vocabulary Enhancement, Grammar & Editing (beneficial if dyslexic tendencies)
3rd – 6th Grade
Comprehension Inferencing, Vocabulary, Recall & Analysis, Phonics & Spelling
CARs – 4th – 6th
Critical Thinking: Analysis & Reasoning Direct/Indirect Questions, Word Study, Connotations & Thesis/Arguments
Kinder – 2nd Grade
Writing Lab, Guided Writing, Vocabulary, Handwriting & Emergent Grammar
3rd – 6th Grade
Writing Lab/Written Expression, Sentence, Paragraph, Essay Writing, Vocabulary, Spelling & Grammar
Sibling Monthly
Discount 5%
Teacher Discounts

Session Tuition – On Site
- The Reading Ranch pricing is based on 4-week sessions. There are 12 sessions each year.
- These sessions do not follow a strict monthly cycle. However, they generally adhere closely to the month’s beginning and ending dates.
- Tuition is prorated for those starting in mid-session. Please see our calendar for further details.
Reading, Phonics, Spelling, Fluency &/or Comprehension
PreK-6th Grade – 50 min.
1 class/week – $244/session
2 classes/week – $474/session
3 classes/week – $694/session
One time Registration – $50
Writing Lab
1 class/week – $244/session
2 classes/week – $474/session
One time Registration – $50
Reading & Writing Lab, Phonics, Spelling, Fluency or Comprehension
1 Reading & 1 Writing/week
2 Reading & 1 Writing/week
One-time Registration – $50
1:1 Private Instruction
1x/week $390/session
2x/week $780/session
3x/week – $1170/session
4x/week – $1585/session
One time Registration – $50
Session Tuition – VLP – Virtual
Reading, Phonics, Spelling, Fluency &/or Comprehension
PreK-6th Grade – 50 min.
1 class/week – $244/session
2 classes/week – $474/session
3 classes/week – $694/session
One time Registration – $50
Writing Lab
1 class/week – $244/session
2 classes/week – $474/session
One time Registration – $50
Reading & Writing Lab, Phonics, Spelling, Fluency or Comprehension
1 Reading & 1 Writing/week
2 Reading & 1 Writing/week
One-time Registration – $50
Monday – Friday
Course Descriptions
Early Reading: Phonics, Language & Early Guided Reading
(PreK-4 years/50 min class) Learn oral language, print awareness, build on letter recognition, letter stroke, phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, rhyme time & word play. Advanced concepts will include blending sounds to form words, vowels and consonants, high-frequency word recognition. Daily guided reading and oral language with comprehension through shared reading.
Multi-Sensory Language Enrichment K: Phonics, Word Play & Early Guided Reading
(Kindergarten/50 min class) Learn oral language, print awareness, letter recognition, letter stroke, phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, high-frequency word recognition and early guided reading.
Multi-Sensory Language Enrichment I or II Phonics, Decoding, Spelling & Guided Reading
(1st or 2nd grade/50 min class) Learn basic phonetic rules, decode words, linking and spelling program with letter stroke directionality and grammar. Guided reading, vocabulary enrichment and early fluency building with comprehension.
Reading Intervention/Fluency Program
(2nd & 3rd grade/50 min class) Learn advanced phonetic rules, and decoding spelling program which encompass the structure of the English language including sound/symbol relationships, syllable rules, and best English Language Arts (ELA) practices. Guided reading, vocabulary enrichment, and fluency building with comprehension. (*reading enrichment and beneficial to students with dyslexic tendencies).
Reading Comprehension
(3rd – 6th grade/50 min class) Using passages, learn to summarize and synthesize as you read. Using critical thinking methods, review story development, prologue, character analysis, sequence, problem or irony in story, identifying piqué/turning points, vocabulary enhancement, authors purpose, tone, intent and story closure. Q & A test prep is included.
Spelling Intervention & Vocabulary Enhancement(4th-6th grade/50 min class)
Learn spelling while demonstrating a love of words! Created for fluent readers, but weak spellers that need to learn why a word is spelled the way it is. Sequential spelling lessons using explicit spelling instruction paired with phonology, sound production and sentence dictation. Grammar & Editing lessons with improving vocabulary, word usage.
Writing Lab: Handwriting, Guided Writing & Grammar
(Kinder – 2nd grade/50 min class) Our early handwriting program includes improving handwriting strokes and legibility with stroke formation using Manuscript. Guided Writing topics based from storybook literature reflections. Sentence development is encouraged while building emergent paragraphs & introduction to grammar.
Writing Lab: Written Expression
(3rd – 6th grade/50 min class) Explore a variety of writing topics through interactive writing (with a writing coach) while building paragraphs to emerging essays with enhanced vocabulary and descriptive details. Spelling rules, punctuation, grammar usage and legibility is included in our writing program.
Critical Thinking: Analysis & Reasoning
(5th-6th grade/50 min class) An in-depth approach to mastering comprehension, exploring analysis, reflection, argument and reasoned decision making using a logic-based approach. Broaden vocabulary with word study, connotations and analysis of topic sentences. Excellent combination to package with writing lab!