Screener Packages
Prek-High School
Early Identification
Early identification of indicators of possible difficulties has been shown to be highly effective in providing early interventions, leading to positive academic and behavioral outcomes.
The following screeners are offered to identify possible “tendencies” for dyslexia, dysgraphia, or academics.

The screener packages include the following
- Complimentary 30-min consultation with evaluation specialist to discuss concerns/needs
- Data Collection and review of data about your child’s learning
- Formal one-on-one testing
- Written report of the findings
- Final meeting with the evaluation specialist to discuss the results and recommendations
Screener Package Pricing: $798.00
- Dyslexia Screener
- Dysgraphia Screener
- Dyscalculia Screener
- Academic Checkup
- Academic Language Screener

NOTE: If “tendencies” are indicated, a comprehensive evaluation will be recommended. The cost of the screener will be applied towards the total cost of the comprehensive evaluation prices.
Comprehensive Assessment Packages
Prek-High School
Each of the following comprehensive assessment packages include the following
- Complimentary 30-minute initial conference with parents/child to review strengths and concerns.
- Integration of informal (parental checklist, teacher checklist, work samples, child interview, and testing observation) and formal data (e.g., norm-referenced tests)
- Comprehensive written report of the results and recommendations for improvement.
- Conference with the evaluator to review the assessment results.
Full Psychoeducational Assessment: ($2,100)
This assessment package provides the most comprehensive assessment of a student’s problem solving and academic achievement. This type of evaluation is used to determine specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. The assessment package can also include ADHD symptomology, memory, and language screenings (the inclusion of these will vary depending on the referral question).
Multiple sources of data (e.g., parent information, teacher information, grades, work samples, previous testing results, observation, etc.) are integrated with formal testing data to obtain a comprehensive picture of a child’s functioning. The test instruments used are norm-referenced and indicate how a student compares academically in reading, writing and math to their peers.
Possible Purposes of Psychoeducational Assessment
- Diagnose and determine eligibility for specialized instruction
- Determine appropriate accommodations and modifications
- Provide parents information to help make educational placement decisions for their child’s area(s) of struggle
- Re-evaluation to measure progress
- Determine appropriate placement/services for young children
- Support documentation for application to a specialized private school
- Provide evidence to show how ADHD impacts a child’s performance in the school setting
- Provide documentation for accommodations on standardized testing
- Document educational need for college-age students requiring accommodations
Each Full Psychoeducational Assessment package includes
- Complimentary initial 30-minute conference with an evaluator to discuss your child’s strengths and areas of concern.
- Extensive written report with interpretation and summary of each assessment
- Diagnosis of the condition based on the clinical findings
- Individualized recommendations designed to address the student’s needs
- The evaluator will also meet with the parents and/or student to review the results of the evaluation and discuss the diagnosis and resulting instructional recommendations for home, school, or tutor.

Targeted Dyslexia Assessment: ($1,500)
This assessment package provides a targeted assessment of a child’s reading ability. All components of dyslexia will be assessed informally and formally. The results of the assessment will be used to determine whether your child meets eligibility criteria for dyslexia and provide recommendations for enhancing your child’s reading skills.
Targeted Dysgraphia Assessment: ($1,500)
This assessment package provides a targeted assessment of a child’s written expression. The results of the assessment will be used to identify whether your child meets eligibility criteria for dysgraphia and provide recommendations for enhancing your child’s writing skills.
Targeted Dyscalculia Assessment ($1,500)
This assessment package provides a targeted assessment of a child’s mathematics skills. The results of the assessment will be used to identify whether your child meets eligibility criteria for dyscalculia and provide recommendations for enhancing your child’s mathematics skills.
Intelligence/Cognitive Assessment: ($950)
This assessment package provides a targeted assessment of a child’s intellectual/cognitive profile. Information obtained from this assessment will provide parents important information regarding a child’s cognitive processes (e.g., memory, processing, analyzing, and vocabulary skills). The results of the assessment will be used to provide recommendations for enhancing a child’s cognitive processing skills.
The assessment fee includes the following:
- Review of existing data
- One-on-one testing appointment (1-2 hours)
- Comprehensive written report
- 1-hour conference to with evaluator to review the results and answer any questions.
Targeted Achievement Assessment: ($850)
This assessment package provides a targeted assessment of a child’s academic profile. This assessment package includes a comprehensive assessment of basic reading, reading comprehension, math calculation, math problem solving, written expression, oral expression, and listening comprehension. Information obtained from this assessment will provide parents important information regarding a child’s academic abilities. The results of the assessment will be used to provide recommendations for enhancing a child’s academic skills.
ADHD Assessment with academic screener: ($1,500)
(without Full Psychoeducational Assessment)
This assessment package provides physicians and parents with specific data to confirm the presence of ADHD symptomology to formulate an appropriate treatment plan.
When recommended by a physician, or other professional, (i.e., teacher, diagnostician, counselor, or psychologist), this evaluation provides parents with informal and formal data to show the presence of an attention deficit disorder (ADD). We provide an objective evaluation measuring areas impacted by ADHD symptomology and impact on academic achievement. The assessment integrates both informal data (i.e., parent and teacher information, student information, review of records, work samples, observations) and norm-referenced data (i.e., standardized testing, a continuous performance test, information processing, sustained listening attention, behavior rating scales and a clinical interview).
This assessment package includes the following:
- Complimentary, 30-minute conference between parent(s) and the evaluator to obtain information about your child’s strengths and areas of concern.
- Individual norm-referenced evaluation (approximately 2-3 hours testing time).
- Extensive written report with interpretation and summary of each assessment
- Documentation of the condition based on the clinical findings, if applicable
- Individualized recommendations designed to address the students’ needs
The diagnostician will also meet with the parents to review the results of the evaluation to discuss the findings and resulting instructional recommendations for home and school.
ADHD Assessment with Full Psycho-educational Assessment ($3,000)
This assessment package includes the components of the ADHD Assessment package and the components of the Full Psycho-Educational Assessment.
Assessment of Learning: ($850.00)
This assessment package is not a diagnostic assessment. This assessment is designed to assess a student’s learning profile. The assessment package includes the administration of cognitive processes and academic achievement. A comprehensive written report will be provided to explain your child’s learning abilities. Further, recommendations for home and school will be provided.
Private School Admissions Assessment ($850)
This assessment package is not a diagnostic assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to provide private schools with an objective measure of your child’s overall learning potential and current academic abilities.
Testing Includes
- All admissions assessments include an assessment of the student’s overall learning potential utilizing an age-appropriate intellectual test
- Kindergarten applicants:the assessment will also include a measure of Kindergarten Readiness skills, as well as early reading concepts and math problems solving abilities.
- First grade applicantsare also administered an assessment of their early reading skills and math problems solving abilities.
- Older applicantsare also given an age-appropriate reading comprehension, oral reading fluency and math problem-solving assessment.
Gifted and Talented (GT) Assessment or Appeal ($1,200)
This assessment plan provides an assessment of your child’s intellectual and academic performance to determine whether he/she meets district criteria for GT. This assessment is also appropriate in cases when your child has been denied GT services in the school district. This assessment package provides the documentation needed for you to file an appeal by providing norm-referenced testing to support their child’s intellectual and academic achievement in reading and math. This abbreviated test battery consists of an intellectual assessment and norm-referenced testing in reading and math. The diagnostician will provide a written report once the testing is complete.
Included in every assessment:
- Initial private consultation (there is no charge/commitment for our initial consultations)
- A comprehensive written report of findings
- Home and school recommendations for academic improvement
- A detailed explanation of findings and recommendations