Adult /Child Interactive Reading Tutoring Strategies
bookshelf-150x150Reading Ranch provides reading tutoring in the Frisco and Plano Texas areas. We encourage all parents to become a supporter in their child’s early reading development. Below you will find a helpful guide when reading aloud with your child at home:

(Pre-K & Kindergarten)

Children Book Selection

  • Make sure that you read books that your child can understand.
  • Read your child’s favorite books with him or her over and over to help your child recognize and words.
  • Choose books that show your child’s interests

Maintaining Physical Proximity

  • Encourage your child to sit on your lap
  • Make sure your child is close to you
  • Make sure the book becomes the child focal’s point


Promoting Interactive Reading and Supporting Comprehension

  • Give your child compliments and say when something is done well
  • Be sure that your child feels part of the reading (e.g., child should be able to touch/hold the book, ask if child would like to turn the pages).
  • Be sure to point pictures, words, or letters
  • Give the characters in the book different voices
  • Use words you are sure your child knows as you talk and read through the book

Asking and Answering Questions

  • Ask your child about things he or she may recognize
  • Be sure to stop and listen before answering when your child does ask you a question